Looking for Male an Female actors for an upcoming Malayalam movie by Director Haridas, who has directed about 20 Malayalam movies including Georgekutty c/o Georgekutty ( ജോര്ജ് കുട്ടി C/o ജോര്ജ് കുട്ടി), Oottyppattanam ( ഊട്ടിപ്പട്ടണം ) , Kannur ( കണ്ണൂര് ), Kinnari puzhayoram (കിന്നരിപുഴയോരം ) and Indraprastham (ഇന്ദ്രപ്രസ്ഥം )
Requirements: Male and Female actors of age between 20-50 years
Audition On 05-04-17, Wednesday , 7 am to 5 pm
Place: Maharani Hotel, Kozhikkode
Requirements: Male and Female actors of age between 20-50 years
Audition On 05-04-17, Wednesday , 7 am to 5 pm
Place: Maharani Hotel, Kozhikkode
Contact Mobile: +919746727759
Email: directorharidas@gmail.com
Email: directorharidas@gmail.com
Remember: Please do not give registration fee for auditions/ offer
money for getting chances.We are not responsible for any fraudulent activity by
any personnel/ authority concerned with any of the casting/ audition
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