Looking for Male & Female actors for new Malayalam movie under the banner Doctors Dilemma, Directed by Unnikrishnan Aavala.
Requirements: Males and Females of Age 20-26 years
Males aged above 55 years
Mail your detailed profile with photograph to Email: doctorsdilemma.in@gmail.com
Contact: +919961503360/ +919496170725/ +91854858970
Requirements: Males and Females of Age 20-26 years
Males aged above 55 years
Mail your detailed profile with photograph to Email: doctorsdilemma.in@gmail.com
Contact: +919961503360/ +919496170725/ +91854858970
Remember: Please do not give registration fee for auditions/ offer
money for getting chances. We are not responsible for any fraudulent activity
by any personnel/ authority concerned with any of the casting/ audition calls,
and cancellation/postponement of auditions.