Looking for Heroine and other Male and Female actors for an upcoming Malayalam movie "KA (ക)" starring Neeraj Madhav

Script & Direction: Rajeeshlal Vamsha
Banner: PXERO


Heroine: 18-26 years
Other Actors: 15-45 years (Male and Female)

Interested talents send your detailed biodata with photos (no photoshop) and a 1 minute video monologue and contact details to:

E mail:
This casting call is for candidates abroad. Auditions will be conducted at premier locations world wide from 30th November onwards at Melbourne, Sydney, Aukland, Dubai, Vienna, London, Singapore and California. Kerala auditions will be announced soon.

Last Date: 25th November 2018
For more details contact: +91 97477 00008

Disclaimer: We are sharing these casting calls with a helping mentality to film aspirants, we cannot assure all calls posted here are 100% genuine since we are not conducting it.  Please do not give registration fee for auditions/ offer money for getting chances. We are not responsible for any fraudulent activity by any personnel/ authority concerned with any of the casting/ audition calls, and cancellation/ postponement of auditions. If you happened to meet with any misbehavior/ fraud activities, please notify us and seek help from POLICE