Looking for an assistant director for an upcoming Malayalam movie "ORU MALANADAN METRO (ഒരു മലനാടൻ മെട്രോ)"
Written and Directed by: Soju Joshua
Assistant Director (Male/Female): Within 24 years of age. Exclusively for a new assistant director. Those who are working/worked as an assistant director need not to apply.
Written and Directed by: Soju Joshua
Assistant Director (Male/Female): Within 24 years of age. Exclusively for a new assistant director. Those who are working/worked as an assistant director need not to apply.
30 short listed candidates will have 2 days free work shop on the subject "Film Direction"
Interested candidates mention your name on the comment box on the following facebook post by Director Soju Joshua
Link: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2631638500198085&id=100000558813511