Neeraj Ghaywan, National as well as Cannes award winning Indian director for his Indo-French movie "Masaan" is now looking for talents from Dalit, Bahujan and Adivasi community to work with his upcoming projects
Assistant Directors and Assistant Writers from DBA (Dalit, Bahujan, Adivasi) background for Hindi films/TV shows
Assistant Directors and Assistant Writers from DBA (Dalit, Bahujan, Adivasi) background for Hindi films/TV shows
Job Description (view image below in full screen)
Interested talents send your detailed resume to:
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PS: Please be assured your DBA identity will not be made public without your knowledge. Feel free to specify in the email if you have any concerns
Interested talents send your detailed resume to:
E mail:
PS: Please be assured your DBA identity will not be made public without your knowledge. Feel free to specify in the email if you have any concerns