Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is the 3rd installment of the superhero franchise which is based on Marvel Comics. The film is a sequel to quite a few Marvel movie as the characters in the Guardians of the Galaxy Franchise have seen a good amount of overlap within other movies based on Marvel Comics characters including the latest Avengers movies.
If you live in the area, you have a chance to get a non-speaking role as an extra in the upcoming Marvel movie.
The movie is now filming in Fayetteville and casting directors for the film are currently looking for area locals that can fill a few roles as paid extras, background actors on the project. Please note that these roles are only for extras and that you must be local to the area in order to be considered as travel expenses are not paid for background talent.
Extras casting in the Atlanta area for Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is being handled by Atlanta’s Tammy Smith Casting.
SHORT/SMALL Men and Women
To be in full prosthetic make-up
Must not be claustrophobic (for prosthetic make-up coverage)
– all ethnicities
– ages 18 and over
– 4’0” to 5’3” to portray child types
– must be vaccinated and able to show proof of vaccination from 2 weeks prior to this Friday 27/8/2021 or Monday 30/8/2021
To apply go to:
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