Looking for talents for an upcoming English feature film 'The Unbreakable Marriage'

Directed by: Casey Fischer

Banner: Tish Griffith Entertainment and Noir Diamond Films


Mya: LEAD ACTRESS, African American, wife of Brandon, early 30’s, professional demeanor but very vulnerable.

Brandon: LEAD ACTOR, African American, husband of Mya, mid 30’s, very relationship oriented but was a playboy back in the day.

Porcha: African American, early 30’s, party girl, antagonist, gives a false sense of friendship, dresses provocatively, even in professional setting. Ex-girlfriend of Brandon. Mother of Briana. Administrative Assistant to Porcha

Joseph: African American, early 60’s, father of Mya and Lina, husband of Caroline, wise cracking grandfather. Comedy role.

Mike: Open to all races, early 30’s , player role, antagonist, home wrecker, instigator, bad influencer, best friend of Brandon

Tasha: Open to all races, party girl, instigator.

Filming will take place in Atlanta GA on the following dates: November 6th, 7th , 13th , 14th and 20th 2021

Non-Union/ Unpaid / Meals Provided and Credit.

Audition will take place on Saturday September 25, 2021

Venue: One Glenlake PKWY, Suite 200, Atlanta,  Georgia 30328

Time: 11am-2pm

To sign up for an audition slot, visit and click on auditions

Please bring Bio and Headshot. Sides will be emailed to you once you sign up for an audition slot.

For questions email: or text 310-403-0099

Last date: 25-09-2021