An open audition will be conducted for a Malayalam movie based in Kasaragod district of Kerala. Movie was penned by actor Sibi Thomas (writer of movie “Kuttavum Shikshayum”) along with Dilnath Puthenchery
Direction: Sajesh Palay (Famous poster designer of firm Palay Designs)
1) Male
Age: 35-50 years
Preference for those who can handle Kasaragod dialect
2) Female
Age: 35-45 years
Preference for those who can handle Kasaragod dialect
Interested ones should attend the open audition
Audition date: 2-6-2024
Time: 10 am to 5 pm
Venue: ALP School Palayi, Nileshwaram, Kasaragod, Kerala
Contacts (WhatsApp only): 85474 58528/ 80867 45738